
A swiss army knife for ACME certificate management.
Easy to get started, surprisingly versatile.


  • A simple text menu to get free certificates from Let’s Encrypt into IIS.
  • An advanced menu with options for many other use cases, including Apache and Exchange.
  • Creates a scheduled task or cronjob to automatically renew when needed.
  • Supports wildcards (* and international domains names (证书
  • Supports up to 4096 bit RSA keys, Elliptic Curve crypto (ECC) or bring-your-own-CSR.
  • Handle HTTP challenges from a virtual or local folder, network share, SFTP, FTPS, WebDav or REST.
  • Handle DNS challenges with 20+ plugins for cloud providers, acme-dns or your own scripts.
  • Store certificates in the Windows Store, IIS CCS, PEM files, PFX/PKCS12 files or Azure KeyVault
  • Send notifications on success and/or failure.
Getting started
Installing simple-acme on your server and getting your first certificate.
Downloads for various operating systems and platforms.
How to get the most out of the tool.
All command line switches and options available in settings.json.
Where to go when something's not working the way it's supposed to.
Which kinds of plugins exists, how to get them and how to build them.



  • Completely unattended operation from the command line.
  • xcopy installation and upgrade process.
  • Available on as a dotnet tool.
  • Secret management allowing central rotation of API keys (protected by Windows DPAPI).
  • Manipulate .renewal.json files to manage renewals outside of the tool.
  • Write your own Powershell .ps1 scripts to handle installation and validation.
  • Build your own plugins with C#.


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Looking for win-acme?

simple-acme is a backwards compatible, drop-in replacement built by the same person. Project history.