Store plugins

Store plugins are responsible for storing issued certificates in their permanent location(s). The program will cache the certificate in a .pfx file in its cache but these files are protected by file system rights and random passwords to prevent local non-administrators from obtaining keys. Store plugins are responsible for making the certificates accessible to the application(s) that need them.

Azure Key Vault Store in Azure Key Vault
Central Certificate Store Add to IIS Central Certificate Store
None No (additional) store steps
P7B file Create P7B archive file (no private key!)
PEM files Create PEM encoded files (for Apache, nginx, etc.)
PFX file Create PFX/PKCS12 archive file
User Store Add to Windows Certificate Store (Current User)
Windows Certificate Store Add to Windows Certificate Store (Local Computer)


‑‑store Specify which store plugin to use. CertificateStore is the default. This may be a comma-separated list.


Store.DefaultStore Default store plugin(s).

This may be a comma separated value for multiple default store plugins.

Type: string
Default: undefined (equivalent to "certificatestore" on Windows and "pemfiles" on other platforms)

Looking for win-acme?

simple-acme is a backwards compatible, drop-in replacement built by the same person. Project history.