
Create verification records manually (auto-renew not possible)

Plugin type DNS validation
Download Built-in
Compatibility All platforms


The client will show the record that is supposed to be created on screen and you will create it manually by whatever means necessary.

It will not be possible to automatically renew certificates created using this method. Use this for proof of concept only.

Are you looking into this method because there is no plugin for your DNS provider? You have three options in increasing level of complexity to do better than manual updates:

  • CNAME the validation record to one of the supported providers and automate the updates there (a technique called substitution or aliasing)
  • Hack together a script to do DNS updates and use the script plugin to call it.
  • Build your own plugin for simple-acme in C#. Optionally contribute it to GitHub for eternal fame!

Command line

‑‑validation.dns manual Activates the plugin


ID e45d62b9-f9a8-441e-b95f-c5ee0dcd8040

Looking for win-acme?

simple-acme is a backwards compatible, drop-in replacement built by the same person. Project history.